Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Bittersweet Farm 8: Tea Biscuit

As always, we don't know how fast Amazon will get this published but it will be later today--Aug. 27--or tomorrow.  You can sign up on Amazon to be notified when your favorite author releases a book.  Do that on their Author Page.  Or you can always sign up for my mailing list where I only notify you of new releases.  No other botherings, I swear.
Here's the blurb for the new book:
     Spring has arrived and with it new horses, new challenges and old adversaries.  As Talia’s birthday approaches, her way forward is less certain than Greer’s vision of her future.  No matter how much Greer takes on, she manages to handle all of it from the Ambassador of Good Cheer to organizing a horse show.  Unfortunately, Greer can’t manage Cam as easily.
      What Lockie has avoided saying for months can’t go unsaid any longer and he chooses to have the talk after her eighteenth birthday party.   Talia’s first question is “Are you leaving?”

Friday, August 1, 2014

Crazy Bad! Defiant Enrages Reader!

If Defiant can enrage this reader, it must be powerful.  You only take flak when you're over the target.

Mixed Messages and a agenda July 30, 2014 This read like a republican political commercial against "big" government. Like most propaganda, it tried to distract you from the fact that the ideas were not backed up with logic explanations, but instead, it tried to dazzle you with emotions. I wasn't dazzled by the weak romance offered up in this disaster of a book. It begins with a rape, but don't feel too bad because no one in the story really does. Apparently bad stuff happens to everyone, and you don't have time to cry or be traumatized. It goes on to tell you that those evil folks in the city have ruined us all by trying to prevent fraking for natural gas (cause their ain't no real proof that it pollutes ground water!! What?!). The electricity is gone, but there is no explanation how it happened, other than those stupid liberals trying to pass regulations are to blame. Oh, yeah, they killed all healthcare, too. It has a clear Christian viewpoint, but then allows for a couple to have premarital sex and there is no peace, just violence, advocated by the best Christian guy in town. I don't know what to make of this. It was crazy bad.

Christian viewpoint?  I'm not a Christian.
Fracking?  Does Marcellus Shale ring a bell?
"Big Government"/poor citizens?  Worked in Hunger Games.