Sunday, May 1, 2011

April, Come She Will

 This video has absolutely nothing to do with me or this post except for the word April.

April was not the cruelest month (take THAT, Mr. Eliot!).  April was very good, indeed, and I want to thank everyone who was so supportive of my writing.  I know I made several readers quite cross, some were disappointed but I hope I will fine-tune my digital efforts and fewer people will wind up bummed.  Because  if you're bummed, I'm bummed.
For anyone who would like to see a clip of Simon & Garfunkle this link is for anyone reading the blog at amazon where they don't allow embeds or something.

News?  In my YA series Bad Apple 3--Rise is very close to completion so I expect that will be published in the next week or so.  While it's not specifically an adult book, neither was the Harry Potter series and people of all ages enjoyed that very much, so get a sample and see if it appeals to you.  It's not a romance but it is the love story between Neal and Truly.  A coming of age story for both of them .  If you are in the YA age range, it is definitely for you.

As always you can visit me at where more tends to go on.

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